Open a company in Slovenia - specialist services

How to open a company in Slovenia: features of the jurisdiction, subtleties and nuances of the registration procedure, expediency of contacting experts, specialist services.
How to open a company in Slovenia?
The Republic of Slovenia is one of the most popular places for organizing legal entities among foreigners. And the reason for this is the availability of the procedure, combined with a favorable investment climate. Therefore, the prospect of opening a company in Slovenia is quite interesting for businessmen of different levels.
Jurisdiction Benefits
It is financially profitable to register a company on the territory of the republic, as this promises many advantages:

  • high quality of life;
  • convenient location almost in the center of Europe;
  • access to the markets of the European Union;
  • free movement within EU countries;
  • low level of bureaucracy;
  • flexible legislative framework;
  • loyal fiscal regime;
  • stable economy;
  • the opportunity to obtain citizenship;
  • obtaining a residence permit on a preferential system;
  • free tuition at European universities;
  • medical insurance;
  • participation in government programs to support small and medium-sized businesses;
  • lending at reduced rates.

Immediately after the entrepreneur manages to open a company, it is not recommended to apply for loan . In the first year, standard interest rates apply to non-residents, but after 12 months of operation, they significantly decrease.
What you need to know about the procedure?
Registration of a company on average takes about 30 days, but often citizens of the Russian Federation and other states pass it in a few months. The main difficulties arise at the following stages:

  • obtaining a tax payer number is the first thing the applicant should take care of;
  • choice of name - it is required not only to invent it, but also to book;
  • draw up an initial package of documents - to collect certificates, obtain permits, make a translation;
  • selection of the legal form of the enterprise - each option has its pros and cons;
  • opening an account with a financial institution;
  • the introduction of authorized capital and not only.

The procedure itself takes place in several instances:

  • main register;
  • tax service;
  • insurance institution.

In addition, information about the organization must be entered in the court register.
It is extremely difficult to do everything yourself, so it is recommended that you contact professionals at the first stage.
Expert Services
Our team will help you open a company in Slovenia without any worries. We will take care of opening a legal entity from A to Z. As a result, you will receive all documentation from us within the prescribed time, without even leaving the borders of your native country.
If the turnkey service is not suitable for you, then we are ready to provide assistance at one stage or another. We can:

  • organize a transfer;
  • collect a set of papers;
  • make translation and apostille;
  • contact the regulatory authorities;
  • make an application and not only.

You can buy a ready-made company from us. This option is suitable for those who are not ready to wait and want to get to work as soon as possible.
Business immigration is easy with us!